You’ve Found the Right Realtor If They Have These 6 Non-Negotiable Qualities
Looking to finally buy a home and tired of renting? Then you will need a realtor who works for you. Most people often find a realtor through a referral from a friend, but it doesn’t always work out well. Buying a home is such a massive financial decision and can have many repercussions for your family if you make the wrong one. You shouldn’t just use a realtor because your parents used them. You should have someone that will understand what you need. With the right realtor, you can start to break down your goals into manageable expectations. A good realtor will help you sort out your family priorities and where to shop for a home. Each realtor offers something different and you should take your time to select someone to represent you. Let’s run down six ways you can find the perfect realtor for you.
There is a connection
When meeting with a realtor, there should be a connection between you and them. You should feel comfortable with them and know they are on your side. It should not feel as if you are just another client. Choosing the right real estate agent should depend first on the personal connection you feel with someone who will be negotiating on your behalf. You also are going to be communicating with this person a lot. A conversation should not be stale or hard to get through but should be enjoyable. You will be making a huge life transition and you should have someone that is on your side. Interview multiple realtor agents and find the best fit for you.
They respond quickly and promptly
Although your realtor may have many clients, they should be easily reachable during business hours. Some markets can be highly competitive and you will need to respond quickly. Your agent should too. It should feel as if you are the most important person when talking to them. Time can be everything in a competitive market. You may see a house one afternoon and have to make an offer that night. Response time can make all the difference in finding your home.
They are proactive
When buying a home, your realtor should have a realistic guide for finding your perfect home. They should be proactive in asking you questions about what you want. Also, they need to anticipate what your next move should be. For instance, if you are bidding on a house they should be constantly updating you on pricing. However, they could also be showing you other houses so that you have options. They will not limit your options but open your doors to new ones. A good realtor will be reaching out to you every day during the buying process. They also will help you with things to look for when buying a home. You won’t be left in the dark wondering what you should do next.
They asked you to get pre-approved
One of the 12 steps in buying a home is getting pre-approved financially for the home you want. Deals on homes can happen fast and you may secure a great price only to have it fall through. A great realtor will have you get pre-approved for the home you want to bid on. It is one of the deciding factors when buying a home. Make sure you are taken care of.
Your realtor is a fighter
You know you need a fighter in your corner when shopping for a home. You need someone who is willing to get you the best home for the lowest price. Often times, homes can get into bidding wars and your agent is going to have to make offers on your behalf. Often times homeowners are selling a home that has been in the family for generations. They can be very selective about who they sell to because of that personal attachment. They want to know the home will be taken care of. Your realtor can fight on your behalf to them. That could be the deciding factor on closing a home, whether or not your real estate agent can establish that you are a worthy customer. That’s why you need a fighter for a realtor. Having that fighter makes the house buying process a lot easier. It builds trust that you will need with your realtor. Your realtor shouldn’t be the type to give up just because you have a tough market.
They are honest
During the home buying process, you will have to make compromises. A realtor should help you do this by being honest about the houses they are showing you. They should set realistic expectations from when they can be reached to whether or not a house is a good fit for you. A good realtor will tell you their honest opinion about a school district or a neighborhood. Finding an honest realtor in this world is a hard thing. It should definitely be a high priority when you choose someone to represent you. They should have an open-door policy on giving you the information you need about the home buying process.
Are you interested in buying a home, but don’t know who to trust? MWT Realty is here for you. We know what it’s like to be in your shoes and we want to help. We are fighters and you can count on us during the entire home buying process. Contact us today and let’s find your forever home!